Teaching Opportunities

I have developed a tool to help black belts and higher queue belts experience more opportunities to teach:

Instructor Booking Tool

I am opening up this opportunity immediately to all SRKF Black Belts and I will be opening it up to the 2nd Degree Brown Belts in 48 hours. If the tool and opportunities are being consistently used by you all, I will expand the opportunities to include our adult classes. If the tool is not being used consistently by the Black Belts and 2nd Degree Brown Belts, I will expand the scope of the opportunity to include Green Belts and up. If they also fail to consistently find value in this initiative, I will remove the tool and revert back to limiting teaching opportunities to a committed few. 

I don’t think I should need to point out or remind everyone that it will be impossible for you to advance to the master ranks if you are not logging a lot of teaching hours. 

Teaching is the only way to acquire the insights and wisdom that must be developed to earn the title of master.

I hope you all can take advantage of this opportunity.

Jeff Brinker


SRKF Clan Titles


12 Years Later and Still Pertinent