Black Belt Success Cycle

Black Belt Success Cycle

  1. Set a Goal

  2. Have a Plan (and success coach)

  3. Take consistent action

  4. Review your progress

  5. Review your goals

Accomplishments worth achieving usually begin as goals. Most people who get involved in the marital arts have the iconic black belt in their mind when they think about the ultimate goal that fuels their training. The first step of the Black Belt Success Cycle is SET A GOAL.

Ironically most people do not achieve their black belt because they set themselves up for failure by never proceeding beyond the first step of the Black Belt Success Cycle. Earning their black belt is their ultimate goal but if they do not proceed to the second step of the Black Belt Success Cycle — HAVE A PLAN(and a success coach), their stated goal is still in the dream phase, not the goal phase. For a dream to become a goal, you must HAVE A PLAN. While you’re at it, it is not a bad idea to also HAVE A SUCCESS COACH. No sense in reinventing the wheel if someone who has successfully achieved the goal you aspire to achieve is available and willing to help you.

The third step of the Black Belt Success Cycle is — TAKE CONSISTENT ACTION. A plan is only as good as the action and deeds that go with it. Common sense tells us that thinking about taking action is not the same as actually taking action. Unfortunately many people fail to notice the difference. Consistency in effort is a key component of success in anything.

A plan is only viable if it is consistently followed and critiqued. Taking consistent action that conforms to a plan but ultimately is not serving our intended over-arching goal, is wasted action. That is why the fourth step of the Black Belt Cycle is important. REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS. If your goal is to get to Jasper but after reviewing your progress you find yourself in Wainwright, it is time to put the brakes on because you are going the wrong way. Reviewing your progress gives you the ability to constantly upgrade your plan so that your consistent action serves your intended goal.

The fifth and final step of the Black Belt Success Cycle is REVIEW YOUR GOAL. If you are having troubles with the middle three steps of the Black Belt Success Cycle, odds are your initial goal is no longer a priority for you. Honestly reviewing your goal can go a long way to helping you respect your priorities by doubling your efforts or cutting your losses. The only thing guaranteed in life is change. It is important that we recognize and respect that by mindfully reviewing our intent and adjusting our efforts accordingly.

Jeff Brinker


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