Spring Break Mad Minute Challenge

Spring Break takes place next week, March 27-31. Although there are no formal classes, there is always Kung Fu!

If you are looking for a way to stay engaged and continue with your training during this time away from the Kwoon, consider participating in the Spring Break Mad Minute Challenge! This is a super simple way to do a little bit of Kung Fu every day while also challenging yourself and pushing yourself to your limits….and all it will take is 1 minute each day!

How it works…

Choose 1 activity below for each day of the Spring Break, from March 27 to 31 (a total of 5 activities). Do as many repetitions, to the best of your ability, in 1 minute. For any “hold” activities, try to hold the position as long as you can, with the goal being 1 full minute.

Make sure to record your activities and numbers and hand them in after the break. Tracking sheets are available at the Kwoon or you can just use a scrap piece of paper. If you have any questions, please reach out to an instructor or use the Global Forum in our WhatsApp community.

We would love to see you all participate!


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