Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, Jan 30 - Feb 1

Lil’ Leopards & Tiny Tigers

This week in both the Lil’ Leopards and Tiny Tigers classes we learned a little bit about drumming! Drumming is a very important aspect of our Traditional Tenets curriculum and is integral to both the lion and dragon dancing. Both of which we have been practicing alot in preparation for the banquet. Although many may not realize it, the drumming isn’t simply a beat for the lion and dragon to dance to. More importantly it is the heartbeat of these animals, bringing them to life.

Young Dragons Level 1&2

In our Young Dragons classes this week we did some experimenting with movement. In Kung Fu, we continuously work on what is called the 6 harmonies, of which there are both external and internal. Our external harmonies are our feet-hands, elbows-knees and shoulders-hips. The concept is that by utilizing our body as a whole, we can maximize it’s efficiency and power. To re-iterate this to the students, we challenged them to jump up, jump forward, reach, punch, etc, by only using isolated parts of their bodies. For example, jumping with only our feet, no hips or knees, proved to be very difficult. But when we used our body as a whole, legs, arms and even our head/eyes by looking to where we wanted to go, we we able to jump the highest and the furthest every time.

Special Announcements for All Classes

The Chinese New Year Banquet takes place Saturday, February 10 from 5:30-9:30 at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. The event is now sold out.

Our annual Silent Auction is now live!! Check it out at SRKF Silent Auction. You can also find more details in the auction article here Auction Details Article

National Acts of Kindness week takes place Feb 11-17. We will have a special challenge for students of all levels. Info will be posted soon and challenge sheets will be sent home with the students this week.


Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, Feb 13-Feb 15


Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, Jan 16-18