Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, October 24-26
All Classes
In this past weeks classes, we hosted our annual Break-a-thon. It was an amazing success and every single child broke their 10 boards, if not more. For a little more insight into how board breaking helps and supports our Kung Fu, give Master Brinker’s recent article a read.
To make this event even better, we have (so far) raised $4724! If you haven’t already submitted your sheet and donations, please make sure to do that.
This week we also held our Halloween classes for our Tiny Tigers and Young Dragons. It was so great to see so many kids dressed up for Halloween! We had lots of fun with various games and activities, all inspired by Kung Fu.
Special Announcements for All Classes
This Wednesday, November 1 will be the Halloween class for the Lil Leopards. Feel free to wear your costumes!!
Please note there are NO classes on Halloween, October 31.
If you fundraised for the Break-a-thon, please submit your sheets, along with the donations, this week.