Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, March 14-16, 2023

Lil’ Leopards

This week in the Lil’ Leopards class we got to do one of our favourite things and used our parachute! We made popcorn with balls, worked on breakfalls and even got to hide underneath!

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child to show you a breakfall (aka. “splat”). Make sure they are on a softer surface such as carpet or a bed.

Tiny Tigers

In our Tiny Tigers class we practiced various Kung Fu techniques such as kicks, punches and break falls with relays to the heavy bags. We also worked on our speed, agility and endurance with our “Circle of Dots” drill.

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child to show you a breakfall (aka. “splat”). Make sure they are on a softer surface such as carpet or a bed.

Young Dragons Level 1 & 2

For our Young Dragons classes we spent much of our time this week focused on our grappling curriculum. This included things like break falls, scoot position, safety stand-ups and a NEW technique for most of us called “shrimping”!

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child to show you what “shrimping” looks like.

Special Announcements for All Classes

We’d like to invite all parents/guardians to a Parent Class Viewing on March 22 (for lil leopards) and March 23 (for all other children’s classes). This is a great opportunity to come in and see what kinds of things we are working on!

There will be no formal classes during Spring Break from March 27-31.


Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, March 21-23, 2023


Parent's Class Viewing - March 22 and 23, 2023