Class Zoom Links
Click on the arrow to expand your selection to access the Zoom link, meeting ID, and meeting password for the class you wish to join. Clicking on the red link will take you directly to your class’s waiting room.
If you are stuck in the waiting room and are not being admitted into class:
Confirm you have entered the correct waiting room and that it is the correct time for your class.
Ensure you have your proper name in your Zoom profile. For the safety and privacy of our students, the instructors will not admit you to class unless they can identify you.
ID - 869 2087 9030 Password - 338755
ID - 634 713 445 Password - 338755
One Monday every month @ 5:30 pm
ID- 829 8347 6703 Password- 338755
ID- 825 9910 3032 Password- 338755
ID- 867 7997 0485 Password- 338755
ID- 873 732 253 Password- 606421
ID- 551 079 953 Password- 186558
ID- 133 312 549 Password- 742763
ID- 893 4484 4662 Password- 338755
ID- 896 8458 7522 Password- 338755