Snake Badge Requirements
Physical Skill and Fitness
Black Belt Snake Posture
Black Belt Snake Fist
Flexmaster stretch to 140 degrees
Shoulder roll over target 6 in a row (3 per shoulder)
Backward shoulder roll 3 in a row with last onto target (each shoulder)
Hop length of the training hall and back carrying a ball between the feet
50 Black Belt jumping jacks
Snake crawl the length of the training hall in 1 minute
Canada and Community Appreciation
Explain why we have laws and why you think it is important to obey the law. Tell about three laws you obeyed this week
Tell why we have government and explain some ways you family helps pay for the government
Identify the capital of Canada
Identify the capital of Alberta
From where does the name “Canada” come?
Health and Safety
Explain how to stretch muscles
Learn the Emergency Response System and how to contact them
Understand why a proper warm-up is important
Name four reasons why you should not use alcohol and how it could affect you
Explain what a balanced diet is and tell whether or not your diet is balanced
Tell what drugs could do to your body and how they would affect your ability to think clearly
Family and Nature
Plan a walk. Go to a park or wooded area, visit a zoo or museum with your family
Read a book with your family, take turns reading aloud
Watch for birds in your yard, neighborhood, or town for 1 week. Identify the birds you see and write down where and when you saw them
List 7 wild animals that live in our area. Describe where they can be found and what they would eat
Help wash the dishes after 5 different meals
Wash your family car with a parent
Creativity and Communication
Draw and colour a picture of a snake
Make a mask of a snake and try to look like the animal while wearing it
With your parents, read and discuss “Maze of the Fire Dragon”
Recite how new techniques are mastered:
Speed & Power
Make a scrapbook showing all the animals of kung fuMake a poster that explains shows what kung fu means to you
Maintain good attendance, behavior, and grades in school
Take an active part in a school activity or service
Discuss with your teacher or parents the value of having an education