Snake Badge Requirements

Physical Skill and Fitness

  • Black Belt Snake Posture

  • Black Belt Snake Fist

  • Flexmaster stretch to 140 degrees

  • Shoulder roll over target 6 in a row (3 per shoulder)

  • Backward shoulder roll 3 in a row with last onto target (each shoulder)

  • Hop length of the training hall and back carrying a ball between the feet

  • 50 Black Belt jumping jacks

  • Snake crawl the length of the training hall in 1 minute

Canada and Community Appreciation

  • Explain why we have laws and why you think it is important to obey the law. Tell about three laws you obeyed this week

  • Tell why we have government and explain some ways you family helps pay for the government

  • Identify the capital of Canada

  • Identify the capital of Alberta

  • From where does the name “Canada” come?

Health and Safety

  • Explain how to stretch muscles

  • Learn the Emergency Response System and how to contact them

  • Understand why a proper warm-up is important

  • Name four reasons why you should not use alcohol and how it could affect you

  • Explain what a balanced diet is and tell whether or not your diet is balanced

  • Tell what drugs could do to your body and how they would affect your ability to think clearly

Family and Nature

  • Plan a walk. Go to a park or wooded area, visit a zoo or museum with your family

  • Read a book with your family, take turns reading aloud

  • Watch for birds in your yard, neighborhood, or town for 1 week. Identify the birds you see and write down where and when you saw them

  • List 7 wild animals that live in our area. Describe where they can be found and what they would eat

  • Help wash the dishes after 5 different meals

  • Wash your family car with a parent

Creativity and Communication

  • Draw and colour a picture of a snake

  • Make a mask of a snake and try to look like the animal while wearing it

  • With your parents, read and discuss “Maze of the Fire Dragon”

  • Recite how new techniques are mastered:

    • Form

    • Speed & Power

    • Accuracy

    • Realism

  • Make a scrapbook showing all the animals of kung fuMake a poster that explains shows what kung fu means to you

  • Maintain good attendance, behavior, and grades in school

  • Take an active part in a school activity or service

  • Discuss with your teacher or parents the value of having an education