SRKF One on Ones
The best way to stay engaged!
One on Ones are a great way to get your questions answered and your technique tweaked. At a minimum, they will help fuel your engagement.
Each student membership includes a free online One on One session with an instructor every week. If you do not see a time available that works for you, reach out to a Sifu and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Sifu Jeff Brinker
ID: 924 534 9607
Password: 338755
WhatsApp Chat
Sifu Khona Rybak
ID: 244 778 4316
Password: 374610
WhatsApp Chat
Sihing Tania Brinker
ID: 828 256 9004
Password: 626902
WhatsApp Chat
Sihing Kevin Lindstrom
ID: 532 645 2438
Password: 890839
WhatsApp Chat
Sihing Yitzik Csillag
ID: 865 451 8498
Password: 3KvK5N
WhatsApp Chat
Sihing Don Bjorkquist
ID: 919 783 5713
Password: gnt1GT
WhatsApp Chat
Toudai Malinda Ferris
ID: 531 580 4263
Password: 5Gu2Tt
WhatsApp Link