It is important for us to have a goal in mind while we are training, the more specific and exact the goal the better. When training is can be easy to lose focus, causing us to be doing something just to do it. I’ve seen this in myself with my daily form reps, I’ll find myself running through a form just because I know I should be. When we mindlessly train like this we can’t hope to see much of any improvement. Every time I go to do a form I should have a goal in mind, something to focus on. This focus allows me to one area at a time consistently improve, rather than simply maintaining the quality of my form. Having this goal is key to mastering something rather than maintaining it.
This idea of understanding our focus is equally important in class. Except in class the approach is often different. Our instructors have a certain goal that they are trying to get across to us, a specific concept they are focusing on in order to teach it to us. If we want to get the most out of our class time, we need to be seeking to understand what our instructors goal is. By aligning our goal with the instructors we will benefit greatly from their instruction and our time at the kwoon. If we ignore their goal so we can focus on our own, we waste that precious time and valuable instruction.
Logan Ward