I Ho Chuan- Year of the Dragon

The Year of the Dragon is approaching hard and fast. We will be building on the successes of the Year of the Rabbit by making some significant changes to the I Ho Chuan program. The requirements for the program are listed on the Silent River Kung Fu website; they are a living document, and as a member of the team part of your regiment should include reviewing the requirements throughout the year.

When the I Ho Chuan program was being developed, its intent was to null the need for the Black Belt Grading. If the program is followed as intended then it would act as the grading itself, preparing the candidates for the transition as well as providing all the relevant information needed to the grading board in order to determine if a student had grown to the rank.

Moving forward, the I Ho Chuan IS THE BLACK BELT GRADING. Candidates, there will no longer be a formal “grading day”; your year in the I Ho Chuan is your grading, a year long process of growth and preparation for black. Only two black belt candidates to date have successfully completed the program as it was intended, and to date two black belts have come to their grading completely prepared. Quite frankly, they aced it. Only two, but those two have proven the efficacy and efficiency of the program when followed to completion.

We are accepting applications for the Year of the Dragon. Although the I Ho Chuan is built to serve as a grading for candidates seeking the rank of black, the team is open to students of all ranks. If you want to challenge yourself, delve deeper into your training and commit yourself to mastery, reach out to Sifu Brinker or Sifu Rybak.

If you would like to be on the team, please send in your application ASAP. Priority as always will be given to black belts looking to achieve a higher rank and to black belt candidates. Meetings will be set up with anyone who is interested and the remainder of the team will be determined on a first come first served basis.

Review the requirements, send in your request to join and make sure you come to your meeting prepared with any questions you may have.


Breaking Boards


Peace Pole Project