Breaking Boards
Board breaking is a well established practice in the martial arts. Many people feel a martial arts demonstration is not complete without some display of board breaking. Despite this fact, the real value of breaking boards goes way beyond the obvious demonstration value.
When I think of board breaking, I think of its correlation to self defence. It is mainly a mental discipline. For many students the thought of breaking a board with their hand comes with a lot of trepidation and fear. Like self defence, the key is remaining calm. If you remain calm, failure is 100% eliminated. Breaking or not breaking becomes a win-win situation because an unsuccessful break comes with valuable insights and lessons for improvement.
When I am calm and centred, I have no doubts concerning my board breaks. If a board does not break, I immediately go into analysis mode:
Do not blame the board.
Every board is breakable therefore the board itself is irrelevant.
Look at the physics of the break
Was the board properly supported?
Focus on your technique and accept full responsibility.
Did I strike the board on its centre?
Did I accelerate my power through the board?
Was my distance properly managed?
Were my hips harmonized with my shoulders?
By answering all those questions, I get instant feedback and insights into my technique and what I need to do to improve my power transfer moving forward.
- Jeff Brinker