Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, March 19-21
Lil’ Leopards
In the Lil’ Leopards class this week we got to do one of our favourite things! An obstacle course! Obstacle courses are a great way to keep the students moving, while also incorporating lots of Kung Fu. This particular week we focused on “protective” elements such as blocks and break falls, while also improving our agility.
Tiny Tigers
This week in Tiny Tigers we got to do some pool noodle sword fighting! From the outside, this activity might seem a bit chaotic, but it is actually quite structured and there are many important skills that we develop with this activity. Not only are we working on Kung Fu techniques like punches, kicks and blocks…but there is also a major emphasis on reaction time, footwork, stamina, eye for detail, and of course, good sportsmanship.
Young Dragons Level 1&2
In our Young Dragons classes this week, one of our main focusses was sparring. Our sparring drills can range from structured to free-sparring and they allow us to practice our skills in a very dynamic way. Over and above developing our technique, sparring is integral to our training in other ways. The number one rule in self defense is to stay calm. Our sparring curriculum allows us to practice this in real-time, while still providing a safe environment to do so.
Notice to Parents: In order to participate in more advanced sparring lessons, students with their yellow and orange belts will require sparring gear. To purchase sparring gear, please reach out to one of the instructors.
Special Announcements for All Classes
Spring Break takes place this week, March 25-29. There are no formal classes during this time. But make sure you are still practicing your Kung Fu!