Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, April 2-4
Lil’ Leopards
In the Lil’ Leopards class this week our main focus was on agility. Using an obstacle course, we challenged the students to maneuver around cones, jump over and crawl under bars, all while developing spacial awareness and control by not knocking anything over. These seemingly basic skills are essential in developing our Kung Fu and becoming successful martial artists in the future.
Tiny Tigers
This week in Tiny Tigers we worked on our balance. By practicing things like walking on a balance beam, holding a crane stance on dots and “tightrope” walking along a belt, we challenged the students to maintain their balance throughout. Balance is something that requires constant attention for the span of our martial arts careers. As we grow physically, as our skill increases and we attempt new things, as we age and need to modify and as we deal with injury or physical limitations, our center is constantly changing and shifting and we must be able to adapt.
Young Dragons Level 1&2
In our Young Dragons classes this week we had a special guest instructor, Sihing Lindstrom. Sihing Lindstrom is our resident expert in grappling, but typically teaches the adult classes. So having him come in to share some of his skill and experience with the kids was very cool and very valuable. He covered a variety of things like break falls, scoot, bridging, as well as many other ground exercises. One of the students asked an excellent question at the end of the week.
“Why are we learning this stuff on the ground when we are supposed to always stay on our feet?”
The answer,
“Yes, the goal is to stay on our feet. But we never know what might happen. And should we ever be taken down, we need to know how to both defend ourselves in that position and gain back our control.”
Our goal, as always, is to develop well rounded martial artists with a variety of skills to prepare them for anything life might throw at them…both on and off the mats.
Special Announcements for All Classes
Our next opening training is Saturday, April 13 from 10-noon.
In recognition of Earth Day, we will be organizing a cleanup of Rotary Park in Stony Plain on Saturday April 20 from 10-noon. Please use the following link for more info.