Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, September 26-28

Lil’ Leopards and Tiny Tigers

In both the Lil’ Leopard’s and Tiny Tigers classes this week we got to do one of our favourite things. Pool noodle sword fighting! Aside from the fact that pool noodle sword fighting is super fun and exciting, it also help us develop many other skills. One of the main aspects we focus on with this game is our ability to block, and then immediately counter with a strike. This is a skill we need as we progress through the ranks and get into sparring. In addition, and perhaps less noticeable, it helps us hone our reflexes, develop our eye for detail and promotes good sportsmanship and etiquette.

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child to name one instructor from their class.

Young Dragons Level 1 & 2

This week in Young Dragons we focused on our Wuxin curriculum and worked on both our wrist escapes and choke defenses. This type of training can sometimes be intimidating. Although we know and trust our partners, having someone grab your arm or put their hands up by your neck (at this stage we only simulate a choke by putting our hands on our partners shoulders) can cause some panic and anxiety. But this is why this practice is so important. By simulating these situations in a safe environment, we not only practice the physical part of the escape, but more importantly, we practice remaining calm and keeping a clear mind. Remaining calm is the first, and most important step, in self defense.

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child what animal choke defenses we practiced.

Special Announcements for All Classes

No announcements at this time.


Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, October 3-5


Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, September 19-21