Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, September 19-21
Lil’ Leopards
In the Lil’ Leopard’s class this week the students were challenged with races as different animals. Bears, penguins, gorillas…all animals move a little bit differently. By trying to mimic how other animals move, we can learn how to best move our own bodies.
Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child to race you like their favourite animal.
Tiny Tigers
This week in Tiny Tigers we did a couple different drills for practicing our balance. Balance is a key skill in Kung Fu. With all of our kicks, we need to be able to support ourselves on one leg, while moving the rest of our body as needed. This is not an easy task and requires incredible balance and control. Developing our balance now will be integral as we move towards our black belt.
Kung Fu At Home: Challenge your child to hold a crane stance for 30 seconds!
Young Dragons Level 1 & 2
This week in Young Dragons we spent much of our time practicing our stick. Stick is the basis of all other weapons. Once we master the stick, we will be able to utilize all of those skills for other weapons such as nunchucks, broadsword and spear. No matter how cool all these different weapons might be, our weapons curriculum isn’t just about learning how to fight with a weapon. More importantly it’s about how to fight against a weapon.
Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child what weapon they are most interested in learning.
Special Announcements for All Classes
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation takes place on Saturday, September 30. Please join us for an online discussion about bullying from 11am-12noon. See our events page to register.