Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, July 18-20

Lil’ Leopards

One of the biggest things we focus on with the younger students is balance. Balance is an integral component in the martial arts. We need to be solid and strong on our feet and in our stances in order to perform almost any technique competently. This week we used an obstacle course with a variety of obstacles that challenged the students to test their balance in really fun ways.

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child if they know the name of the instructor in the picture above.

Tiny Tigers

In addition to balance drills, we also worked on some of the Keystone Fundamentals of martial arts, such as kicks and punches. These basic techniques not only provide important physical conditioning, but are, of course, very important aspects of self defence. We learn to fight so that we never have to.

And this week was extra special because we got to practice our techniques on Bob!

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child if they know the name of the instructor in the picture above.

Young Dragons Level 1 & 2

In our Young Dragons classes this week we utilized scarves to practice several parts to various forms. From a technical standpoint, the use of colourful scarves provide a visual for the students to truly see the path their hands take when performing certain techniques. It also gives them something to focus on when we are trying to make our movements really big and exaggerated. From a “fun” standpoint, utilizing the scarves provides an opportunity for the kids to get creative with their movements. We will often perform the techniques different ways. such as with our eyes closed, super slow, super fast, etc. Practicing our Kung Fu in these different ways often provides insight into many things such as what methods make us feel calmer, which make the techniques easier or harder, or which allow us to really feel how how body is moving.

Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child if they can name one of their instructors.

Special Announcements for All Classes

No announcements at this time.


Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, July 25-27


Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, July 11-13