Children's Class Weekly Re-Cap, July 25-27
Lil’ Leopards
In Lil’ Lepoard’s we utilized our colourful scarves to work on our balance and hand/eye coordination. By throwing the scarves in the air, catching them with different parts of our bodies, all while trying to stay strong on our feet, we are developing key physical skills that we will carry forward in our Kung Fu.
Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child to show you a butterfly breath.
Tiny Tigers
This week in Tiny Tigers, we played a bridge building game. By using a variety of items (dots, a shield, and rubber feet) they found a way to construct a “bridge” that their team could safely cross. We like to use creative games like this to encourage the students to work together as a team, each of them contributing and utilizing their individual strengths. This type of game also encourages problem solving, a corner stone skill that we all need in order to succeed in whatever we might do.
Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child to do 3 sit-ups.
Young Dragons Level 1 & 2
In our Young Dragons classes this week we focused on our Wuxin curriculum. In chinese, Wuxin translates to “no mind”. When applied to our Kung Fu, it means having the ability to react and apply our lessons, without thought, in a realistic situation. Above and beyond the physical component of self defence, is our ability to remain calm in stressful situations. If we can’t remain calm, our technique will quickly be lost in the panic. To develop this, we will often practice with partners. Working with a real-life partner helps us to become more assertive and more confident in our movements, while in a safe environment. The more realistic our practice, the more likely we will be able to apply these things in a real-life situation.
Kung Fu At Home: Ask your child if they have done their homework (if they have forgotten, it was to practice the opening bow of Stick form).
Special Announcements for All Classes
No announcements at this time.