Where the Future Can Lead Us
Future, probably the most unknown concept humans have tried to determine. We cannot predict the future, but we can prepare for what we believe will come in the future. It leads us to many places, happiness, anger, love, sadness, memory, and regret. Our future can take us anywhere, Elon Musk wants to bring over ten thousand people to mars before the end of the new decade, and I am hoping I am one of them. Or maybe our future leads to a restart in education, all I know about my future is it holds a chance of becoming a specialty doctor. I say chance because nothing is ever perfect or goes to plan, if it is perfect or goes to plan than the universe gave you the opportunity to do something perfect. Our future can lead you and me down different paths, I can go left or right, up or down, and you will go the opposite. It is at this moment in time when we can realize that in the present day, it can be our last day, beginning of a new adventure, end of an adventure, a new memory or downfall. It is why we prepare the best we can for the future, because we can only predict and never know what will truly happen.
Owen Raw